Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Hi again angel,

Sorry I wrote so ate last night, I couldn't sleep because I was thinking of you. today's much better than yesterday though. I talked to Aunt Sara and that made me feel a lot better. It doesn't hurt as much to talk about you anymore, it makes me smile telling people you got my nose and your daddy's lips. I think my favorite is still your feet :D They were the cutest, and the best part? Your daddy says they look just like mine. It's fun to imagine what you would have done. Would you have danced like I did? Or maybe you would b more into sports. I wonder if you would have been as clumsy as I am lol.

:) Do remember that stray cat we started seeing after we found out about your defect? At least I don't remember seeing him before then. Anyway he's back, he came back yesterday and he hasn't really left since. I like to think you sent him to me for company. It feels good to pet a cat again, it's been a little while. Thank you baby girl, it does help.

Alright baby girl, I need to get some stuff done around the house. I'll write again sson. Love you always, Mommy

1 comment:

  1. To my beautiful baby niece,
    I love you so very much! And I am very proud of your mommy and daddy! They are so strong. Your memory and love will forever be within our hearts! We will met again when the time is right. And when we do I will hold you in my arms and feel your warmth again.
    I love you,
    Auntie Ruthy
